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For sustainable economic success, it is important for organizations to not only focus on the hard skills of employees, but also to focus on life skills. At CultureWax, we are committed to discovering and developing the untapped talents and competencies of your team to implement into your daily operations, so that your company will thrive on its full potential. Our CultureScope gives you instant insights into the state of the life skills of your teams. Using an iterative approach, we advise and implement a roadmap, based on your business objectives and priorities.

Transition Strategy & Implementation

At CultureWax, we utilize agile frameworks to guide and implement sustainable transitions. Our specialty is the most challenging part of the transition: the Cultural Change. As with agile frameworks, cultural change is not just about the implementations of tools and rituals that allow us to deliver better quality faster. It is the outcome we achieve by transforming mindsets. Cultural Change lives in the hearts and habits of people. At CultureWax, we manifest and implement sustainable successful transformations by: framing the issue, demonstrating quick wins, harnessing networks, creating safe havens and embracing symbols focused on the five trademarks for agile organizations: strategy, structure, process, people and technology.

Coaching, Education & Research

At CultureWax, we provide coaching and educational services to ensure that transformations are lived sustainably throughout the entire organization. Backed by several years in the field of cultural and organizational consulting and training, we make use of state-of-the-art frameworks and methods designed to foster and embrace change at all levels of the organizational hierarchy, helping leaders, employees and teams embed a lasting and holistic cultural environment.